Autor Zpráva
Z url mi linky načíta zo sitemap.xml, ale k nim chcem priradiť aj desription a title.
$m = get_meta_tags($g);// nefunguje ak dam premennu
echo $m["description"];  
ak použijem get_meta_tags($g) s premennou tak nahlasi chybu.
    <title>Sitemap URL Scraper</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        .inputForm {
            margin: 1em 0;
            padding: 1em;
        #tblSitemap td {
            padding: 0.25em;
        #tblSitemap {
            margin-bottom: 1em;


<h1>Sitemap URL Scraper</h1>
<p>A tool to get the URLs in a XML sitemap. This only only handles .XML and not .GZ</p>
<div class="inputForm">
<form name="frmSitemap" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<table id="tblSitemap">
  <td id="col_1"><label>Sitemap URL:</label></td>
  <td id="col_2"><input type="text" name="url" value="" size="60"/></td>
  <td id="col_1">
    <input type="submit" name="frmSubmit" value="Submit"/>

if (!isset($_POST['frmSubmit']))
if (!isset($_POST['url']))
  die("Please enter in a URL to the sitemap to be scraped.");
$url = trim($_POST['url']);
if (strlen($url) <= 0)
  die("Please enter in a URL to the sitemap to be scraped.");
$pathParts = pathinfo($url);

// Only handles XML files. Not tar gz
if (!in_array($pathParts['extension'], array('xml')))
    die("Please enter in a XML file.");

// A better way to do this is to read in chunks
// You should schedule the operation using a cron job

// The preferredm method is to read the file in chunks
// fopen and lock the file
// You fread in n lines and when done close the file
// You keep track of line location by storing the line number in a text file
// You then open the file again and fseek to the offset
// unlock and fclose

// Here we do the lazy man's way of using file_get_contents
$strXml = @file_get_contents($url);
if (false == $strXml)
    die('Could not open url. Check your spelling and try again');

// So simple using SimpleXml
$sitemap = @new SimpleXmlElement($strXml);

foreach($sitemap->url as $url) {
   $u =  $url->loc;

$m = get_meta_tags($g);// nefunguje ak dam premennu
echo $m["description"];  
echo  "<br>";

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