Autor Zpráva
V Opeře a Firefoxu se menu zobrazí v pořádku, ale u IE to je tak, že druhý sloupec překryje polovinu prvního sloupce a touto cestou bych Vás chtěl požádat o radu, jaký kód změnit/přidat.... Podle mne je to tím IE hackem, ale v kódu ho mám pro IE 5.0 ... Je možné, že problém bude v něčem jiném, každopádně je to dělané přes SpryMenuBarVertical v Dreamweaver CS3 . Děkuji za každý tip


Kód pro .html
<ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarVertical">
  <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Sortiment</a>
        <li><a href="#" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Děrovan&eacute; plechy</a>
            <li><a href="#">Typy děrov&aacute;n&iacute;</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">materi&aacute;l</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">z&aacute;kladn&iacute;  v&yacute;robn&iacute; možnosti</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">skladov&eacute; pozice</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Rošty</a></li>
  <li><a href="#" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Aktu&aacute;lně</a>
      <li><a href="#">Nab&iacute;dka skladov&yacute;ch z&aacute;sob</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Novinky</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Reference</a></li>
  <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Formul&aacute;ře</a>
        <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Všeobecn&eacute; obchodn&iacute; podm&iacute;nky</a>
              <li><a href="#">Item 3.1.1</a></li>
              <li><a href="#">Item 3.1.2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Dotaz</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Popt&aacute;vka</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Doprava</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Objedn&aacute;vka</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Kontakt</a></li>
<script type="text/javascript">
var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});


@charset "UTF-8";

/* SpryMenuBarVertical.css - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */

/* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */

/*********************************************************************  **********

 LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order

 ********************************************************************** *********/

/* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, a fixed width box with no margin or padding */
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	list-style-type: none;
	font-size: 12px;
	cursor: default;
	width: 8em;
	font-family: Tahoma;
	color: #00FF00;
/* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: */
	z-index: 1000;
/* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are same fixed width as parent */
ul.MenuBarVertical li
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	list-style-type: none;
	font-size: 12px;
	position: relative;
	text-align: left;
	cursor: pointer;
	width: 153px;
	font-family: Tahoma;
	font-weight: normal;
	color: #FFFFFF;
	height: 30px;
	background-image: url(../bg.jpg);
		margin-bottom: 1px;
/* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
ul.MenuBarVertical ul
	margin: 0% 0 0 102%;
	padding: 0;
	list-style-type: none;
	font-size: 100%;
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 1020;
	cursor: default;
	width: 8.2em;
	left: -1000em;
	top: 0;
/* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
ul.MenuBarVertical ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
	left: 0;
/* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
ul.MenuBarVertical ul li
	width: 210px;
	margin-bottom: 1px;

/*********************************************************************  **********

 DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts

 ********************************************************************** *********/

/* Outermost menu container has borders on all sides */
/* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
ul.MenuBarVertical ul
/* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
ul.MenuBarVertical a
	background-image: url(../bg2.jpg);
	display: block;
	cursor: pointer;
	padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
	color: #FFFFFF;
	text-decoration: none;
/* změna při najetí */
ul.MenuBarVertical a:hover, ul.MenuBarVertical a:focus
	background-image: url(../bg2.jpg);
/* stylování položky menu bez podsekcí */
ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
	color: #FFF;
	background-image: url(../bg.jpg);

/*********************************************************************  **********

 SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item

 ********************************************************************** *********/

/* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
	background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: 95% 50%;

/* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
	background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: 95% 50%;

/*********************************************************************  **********

 BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert

 ********************************************************************** *********/

/* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
ul.MenuBarVertical iframe
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 1010;
/* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
@media screen, projection
	ul.MenuBarVertical li.MenuBarItemIE
	display: inline;
	f\loat: left;
	background-image: url(../bg2.jpg);
ul.MenuBarVertical ul.MenuBarItemIE
	margin: 0% 0 0 102%;
	padding: 0;
	list-style-type: none;
	font-size: 100%;
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 1020;
	cursor: default;
	width: 8.2em;
	left: -1000em;
	top: 0;
Proč tady házíš tuny kódu? My si to dokážeme z dokumentu vyndat neboj.
Já vim .... poradíte mi prosím někdo ?

V které verzi IE toto menu dělá problém? V IE 6 je všechno v pořádku.
V IE 7 .
Poradí mi prosím někdo ?
Obalovací elementy jsou nadefinovány užší než vložené, které potom přetékají. Stačí sjednotit jejich šířky.

ul.MenuBarVertical, ul.MenuBarVertical li { width: 153px; }
ul.MenuBarVertical ul, ul.MenuBarVertical ul li { width: 210px; }

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