Autor | Zpráva | ||
AfrodCZ Profil |
#1 · Zasláno: 4. 11. 2016, 20:00:42
Zdravím, mám zákazníka, který chtěl eshop pro antiqariat, což by nebyl problém, ale problém nastal, kdy si zákazník vymyslel, že chce sloučit karty do jedné. Jednou se mi produkt uloží v pohodě a pak třeba 5x za sebou ne. Nemůžu najít problém a přemýšlím, jak to vyřešit, jestli jim napsat modul, kde budou mít vše v jednom nebo jen neumím s prstou zacházet. Prosím o radu. Náhled je dole, takhle to vypadá na kartě Informace
Petr Pánek Profil |
Dobrý den, asi používáte Chrome verzi 54, že? S tím mám Prestashop momentálně potíže, protože Chrome v této verzi odstranil synchronní XMLHttpRequest (AJAX) volání. Řešením je použít jiný prohlížeč nebo nainstalovat Chrome 53 a zakázat automatické upgrady. Presta to vyřeší v následujícím update termín zatím není znám. Petr Pánek tel.: 602444294 ------------------------- Current issue when creating/editing a product in PS 1.5 and 1.6 While we were packing version for QA testing two weeks ago, version 54 of the Google Chrome browser was released. This is a significant update of this major browser, because it removes the ability to make synchronous XMLHttpRequest calls – a method which is used in PrestaShop 1.5 & 1.6’s Product Creation page. In effect, this makes it impossible to create or edit a product in all versions of PrestaShop 1.5 and 1.6. While this problematic behavior is not a bug from PrestaShop but a design decision from the W3C/WHATWG standards bodies (applied by browser vendors after time of deprecation), all PrestaShop merchants might witness issues once the Chrome browser auto-updates to its latest version. Furthermore, other browsers should soon follow suite: » Parameters. We do not have yet an ETA for other browsers. The PrestaShop Core team is aware of the situation, and is publicly working on this issue: here is the Forge ticket, and here is the current pull request. Please help us test the current fix! Let’s make sure, together, that it does fix the issue for everyone! Also, make sure that your modules and themes DO NOT make use of synchronous XHR calls! Learn how here! PrestaShop does not contain the fix. We are planning for a quick v1.6.1.9 with this fix in place – this way we can focus our QA testing for this version to just this issue. That forthcoming release will also explain how to patch previous versions of PrestaShop. While we are working on the issue, you should be able to have your Product Creation page work again by installing Chrome 53 and setting it to not make automatic upgrades. |
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