Autor Zpráva
Profil *
Mam problem, vsude mi to bezi bez problemu. jen v IE6 mam problem. Nejak se mi odsadi nasledujici divy za vrchnim stinem, a vubec netusim proc.
Profil *
Omlouvam se, zapomnel jsem na CSS kod:
* {
margin: 0;
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border: 0;

body, html {
background: url('background.png') repeat-x;
background-color: #005A0B;

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height: 8px;
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height: 783px;
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float: left;

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width: 245px;
height: 187px;
background: url('logo.png') no-repeat;
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width: 493px;
height: 187px;
background: url('logo2.png') no-repeat;
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font-size: 14px;
margin-top: 155px;
margin-left: 10px;

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position: relative;
top: 5px;
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background-position: -252px 0;

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height: 29px;
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background: url('shadow_contain_top.png') no-repeat;

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float: left;

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width: 252px;
height: 402px;
float: left;
background: url('news.png') no-repeat;

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height: 532px;
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background: url('main_content_background.png') repeat-x;

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width: 9px;
height: 532px;
float: left;
background: url('shadow_right_2.png') no-repeat;

.footer {
width: 738px;
height: 37px;
float: left;
background: url('footer.png') no-repeat;
Profil *
To fakt nikdo nevite, co s tim?

Obrázek nám nepomůže. Bez HTML kódu jsme v koncích. a CSS předpis vypadá hodně podivně.
Profil *
Tak tady mate aktulizace i s HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="cs" lang="cs">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" />
<meta name="description" content="Place your page description here." />
<meta name="keywords" content="put,your,key words,phrases,here" />
DSO Lesy Policka
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
<div class="wrapping">
<div class="shadow_left"></div>
<div class="shadow_top"></div>
<div class="logo"></div>
<div class="logo2">
...Sem by chtělo vymyslet nějaký výstižný slogan...
<div class="wrapping_3">
<div class="wrapping_2">
<div class="menu">
<div class="menu_item_1">
<a href="#"><span>Police</span></a>
<div class="menu_item_2">
<a href="#"><span>Police</span></a>
<div class="menu_item_3">
<a href="#"><span>Police</span></a>
<div class="menu_item_4">
<a href="#"><span>Police</span></a>
<div class="menu_item_5">
<a href="#"><span>Police</span></a>
<div class="news"><img src="news.png" title="" alt""></div>
<div class="shadow_contain_top"></div>
<div class="main_content"><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetuer quis tellus tortor Phasellus
In odio pede condimentum pellentesque
Sociis Morbi orci Lorem pretium
Congue Mauris enim Aliquam a
Justo sapien ut eget mauris
Congue et hendrerit cursus adipiscing
Et Cum Sed leo mus
At tellus felis nec consectetuer
In pulvinar lobortis augue leo
Ac velit dictum massa et
Pellentesque sed adipiscing et pellentesque
Dolor eu dolor malesuada nulla
Ante quis accumsan ultrices cursus
Sapien pretium Donec tempor Pellentesque
Nunc Integer massa Nam tempus
Hendrerit felis cursus consectetuer velit
Nec wisi congue Praesent congue
Urna pretium id quis Vestibulum
Ut pretium Phasellus habitasse a
Habitant pulvinar pretium lacinia leo
Nunc sit pede condimentum et
Nibh eleifend tincidunt Ut lacinia
Ut at ipsum ut vel
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetuer ligula enim ante est
Justo tellus pellentesque sit vitae
Dictum odio pretium pretium cursus
Interdum ornare augue dolor volutpat
Sem pulvinar scelerisque id elit
Proin Phasellus at lorem ac
Vitae velit magna Vivamus massa
Velit augue mollis velit Sed
Turpis malesuada tellus ultrices In
Eu wisi Phasellus Nam Quisque
Adipiscing convallis Morbi molestie id
Libero ac semper tincidunt velit
Nunc hendrerit eu nibh quis
Libero velit laoreet Curabitur lorem
Ultrices lacinia congue Mauris cursus
Quis Aenean sed interdum tincidunt
Consequat nunc enim ut Nunc
Orci facilisi auctor Integer Integer
Nulla Fusce tempor ante porta
Id Ut consequat orci est
Eros Donec nonummy Donec eget
Nulla consectetuer sagittis ac accumsan
Tellus a vitae ut auctor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetuer quis tellus tortor Phasellus
In odio pede condimentum pellentesque
Sociis Morbi orci Lorem pretium
Congue Mauris enim Aliquam a
Justo sapien ut eget mauris
Congue et hendrerit cursus adipiscing
Et Cum Sed leo mus
At tellus felis nec consectetuer
In pulvinar lobortis augue leo
Ac velit dictum massa et
Pellentesque sed adipiscing et pellentesque
Dolor eu dolor malesuada nulla
Ante quis accumsan ultrices cursus
Sapien pretium Donec tempor Pellentesque
Nunc Integer massa Nam tempus
Hendrerit felis cursus consectetuer velit
Nec wisi congue Praesent congue
Urna pretium id quis Vestibulum
Ut pretium Phasellus habitasse a
Habitant pulvinar pretium lacinia leo
Nunc sit pede condimentum et
Nibh eleifend tincidunt Ut lacinia
Ut at ipsum ut vel
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetuer ligula enim ante est
Justo tellus pellentesque sit vitae
Dictum odio pretium pretium cursus
Interdum ornare augue dolor volutpat
Sem pulvinar scelerisque id elit
Proin Phasellus at lorem ac
Vitae velit magna Vivamus massa
Velit augue mollis velit Sed
Turpis malesuada tellus ultrices In
Eu wisi Phasellus Nam Quisque
Adipiscing convallis Morbi molestie id
Libero ac semper tincidunt velit
Nunc hendrerit eu nibh quis
Libero velit laoreet Curabitur lorem
Ultrices lacinia congue Mauris cursus
Quis Aenean sed interdum tincidunt
Consequat nunc enim ut Nunc
Orci facilisi auctor Integer Integer
Nulla Fusce tempor ante porta
Id Ut consequat orci est
Eros Donec nonummy Donec eget
Nulla consectetuer sagittis ac accumsan
Tellus a vitae ut auctor

<div class="shadow_right_2"></div>
<div class="footer"></div>


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width: 252px;
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width: 252px;
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background-color: white;

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width: 738px;
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Vaše odpověď

Mohlo by se hodit

Nezapomeňte na odkaz na živou ukázku problému.

Prosím používejte diakritiku a interpunkci.

Ochrana proti spamu. Napište prosím číslo dvě-sta čtyřicet-sedm: