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Zdravím, potřebuji přidat like button ke každé fotce lightboxu zvlášť a už to skoro mám, mám pouze jeden problém...
na 13. řádku je iframe ( like button ), který ale funguje pouze s už zadanou adresou pro like, proto místo té adresy potřebuji umístit adresu daného obrázku a nevím, který atribut pro to lze použít..

[pre](function() {
var $, Lightbox, LightboxOptions;

$ = jQuery;

LightboxOptions = (function() {

function LightboxOptions() {
this.fileLoadingImage = 'images/loading.gif';
this.fileCloseImage = 'images/close.png';
this.resizeDuration = 700;
this.fadeDuration = 500;
this.labelImage = "<iframe src='//;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=150&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;height=21&amp;appId=269837903123791' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:21px;'' allowTransparency='true'></iframe>Fotka";
this.labelOf = "z";

return LightboxOptions;


Lightbox = (function() {

function Lightbox(options) {
this.options = options;
this.album = [];
this.currentImageIndex = void 0;

Lightbox.prototype.init = function() {

Lightbox.prototype.enable = function() {
var _this = this;
return $('body').on('click', 'a[rel^=lightbox], area[rel^=lightbox]', function(e) {
return false;
}; = function() {
var $lightbox,
_this = this;
$("<div>", {
id: 'lightboxOverlay'
}).after($('<div/>', {
id: 'lightbox'
}).append($('<div/>', {
"class": 'lb-outerContainer'
}).append($('<div/>', {
"class": 'lb-container'
}).append($('<img/>', {
"class": 'lb-image'
}), $('<div/>', {
"class": 'lb-nav'
}).append($('<a/>', {
"class": 'lb-prev'
}), $('<a/>', {
"class": 'lb-next'
})), $('<div/>', {
"class": 'lb-loader'
}).append($('<a/>', {
"class": 'lb-cancel'
}).append($('<img/>', {
src: this.options.fileLoadingImage
}))))), $('<div/>', {
"class": 'lb-dataContainer'
}).append($('<div/>', {
"class": 'lb-data'
}).append($('<div/>', {
"class": 'lb-details'
}).append($('<span/>', {
"class": 'lb-caption'
}), $('<span/>', {
"class": 'lb-number'
})), $('<div/>', {
"class": 'lb-closeContainer'
}).append($('<a/>', {
"class": 'lb-close'
}).append($('<img/>', {
src: this.options.fileCloseImage
$('#lightboxOverlay').hide().on('click', function(e) {
return false;
$lightbox = $('#lightbox');
$lightbox.hide().on('click', function(e) {
if ($('id') === 'lightbox') _this.end();
return false;
$lightbox.find('.lb-outerContainer').on('click', function(e) {
if ($('id') === 'lightbox') _this.end();
return false;
$lightbox.find('.lb-prev').on('click', function(e) {
_this.changeImage(_this.currentImageIndex - 1);
return false;
$lightbox.find('.lb-next').on('click', function(e) {
_this.changeImage(_this.currentImageIndex + 1);
return false;
$lightbox.find('.lb-loader, .lb-close').on('click', function(e) {
return false;

Lightbox.prototype.start = function($link) {
var $lightbox, $window, a, i, imageNumber, left, top, _len, _ref;
$(window).on("resize", this.sizeOverlay);
$('select, object, embed').css({
visibility: "hidden"
this.album = [];
imageNumber = 0;
if ($link.attr('rel') === 'lightbox') {
link: $link.attr('href'),
title: $link.attr('title')
} else {
_ref = $($link.prop("tagName") + '[rel="' + $link.attr('rel') + '"]');
for (i = 0, _len = _ref.length; i < _len; i++) {
a = _ref[i];
link: $(a).attr('href'),
title: $(a).attr('title')
if ($(a).attr('href') === $link.attr('href')) imageNumber = i;
$window = $(window);
top = $window.scrollTop() + $window.height() / 10;
left = $window.scrollLeft();
$lightbox = $('#lightbox');
top: top + 'px',
left: left + 'px'

Lightbox.prototype.changeImage = function(imageNumber) {
var $image, $lightbox, preloader,
_this = this;
$lightbox = $('#lightbox');
$image = $lightbox.find('.lb-image');
$lightbox.find('.lb-image, .lb-nav, .lb-prev, .lb-next, .lb-dataContainer, .lb-numbers, .lb-caption').hide();
preloader = new Image;
preloader.onload = function() {
$image.attr('src', _this.album[imageNumber].link);
$image.width = preloader.width;
$image.height = preloader.height;
return _this.sizeContainer(preloader.width, preloader.height);
preloader.src = this.album[imageNumber].link;
this.currentImageIndex = imageNumber;

Lightbox.prototype.sizeOverlay = function() {
return $('#lightboxOverlay').width($(document).width()).height($(document).height());

Lightbox.prototype.sizeContainer = function(imageWidth, imageHeight) {
var $container, $lightbox, $outerContainer, containerBottomPadding, containerLeftPadding, containerRightPadding, containerTopPadding, newHeight, newWidth, oldHeight, oldWidth,
_this = this;
$lightbox = $('#lightbox');
$outerContainer = $lightbox.find('.lb-outerContainer');
oldWidth = $outerContainer.outerWidth();
oldHeight = $outerContainer.outerHeight();
$container = $lightbox.find('.lb-container');
containerTopPadding = parseInt($container.css('padding-top'), 10);
containerRightPadding = parseInt($container.css('padding-right'), 10);
containerBottomPadding = parseInt($container.css('padding-bottom'), 10);
containerLeftPadding = parseInt($container.css('padding-left'), 10);
newWidth = imageWidth + containerLeftPadding + containerRightPadding;
newHeight = imageHeight + containerTopPadding + containerBottomPadding;
if (newWidth !== oldWidth && newHeight !== oldHeight) {
width: newWidth,
height: newHeight
}, this.options.resizeDuration, 'swing');
} else if (newWidth !== oldWidth) {
width: newWidth
}, this.options.resizeDuration, 'swing');
} else if (newHeight !== oldHeight) {
height: newHeight
}, this.options.resizeDuration, 'swing');
setTimeout(function() {
}, this.options.resizeDuration);

Lightbox.prototype.showImage = function() {
var $lightbox;
$lightbox = $('#lightbox');

Lightbox.prototype.updateNav = function() {
var $lightbox;
$lightbox = $('#lightbox');
if (this.currentImageIndex > 0) $lightbox.find('.lb-prev').show();
if (this.currentImageIndex < this.album.length - 1) {

Lightbox.prototype.updateDetails = function() {
var $lightbox,
_this = this;
$lightbox = $('#lightbox');
if (typeof this.album[this.currentImageIndex].title !== 'undefined' && this.album[this.currentImageIndex].title !== "") {
if (this.album.length > 1) {
$lightbox.find('.lb-number').html(this.options.labelImage + ' ' + (this.currentImageIndex + 1) + ' ' + this.options.labelOf + ' ' + this.album.length).fadeIn('fast');
} else {
$lightbox.find('.lb-dataContainer').fadeIn(this.resizeDuration, function() {
return _this.sizeOverlay();

Lightbox.prototype.preloadNeighboringImages = function() {
var preloadNext, preloadPrev;
if (this.album.length > this.currentImageIndex + 1) {
preloadNext = new Image;
preloadNext.src = this.album[this.currentImageIndex + 1].link;
if (this.currentImageIndex > 0) {
preloadPrev = new Image;
preloadPrev.src = this.album[this.currentImageIndex - 1].link;

Lightbox.prototype.enableKeyboardNav = function() {
$(document).on('keyup.keyboard', $.proxy(this.keyboardAction, this));

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