Autor | Zpráva | ||
kuba95 Profil |
#1 · Zasláno: 10. 9. 2011, 19:18:15
mám script na odeslání mailu, ale script mi z nějakého důvodu email nepošle... mohl by mi někdo pomoct?? Předem díky Script: <? session_start(); include "config.php"; global $c,$loggedin; include "data.php"; global $config; include "funciones.php"; ?> <? include "header2.php"; ?> <h3>Forgot Password</h3> <?php if($_POST) { $code = $_POST["code"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $emailx = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM tb_users WHERE email='{$_POST['email']}'"); $emailx = mysql_fetch_array($emailx); $emailx = $emailx["cnt"]; $errormsg = false; if($_SESSION['string'] != $code) { $error = 1; $errormsg .= "<b>Error -</b> The captcha was entered incorrectly.<br />"; } if(!$code) { $error = 1; $errormsg .= "<b>Error -</b> The captcha was entered incorrectly.<br />"; } if(!$email) { $error = 1; $errormsg .= "<b>Error -</b> The email was not supplied.<br />"; } if(!$emailx) { $error = 1; $errormsg .= "<b>Error -</b> No account was found with that email address.<br />"; } if($_SESSION['next_reseptsend'] != 0) { $error = 1; $errormsg .= "<b>Error -</b> You have already made a password retrieval within the last 15 minutes.<br />"; } $_SESSION['string'] = false; if($error) { print $errormsg."<br><br>"; } else { $s = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE email='{$_POST['email']}'"); $x = mysql_fetch_array($s); $_SESSION['next_reseptsend'] = 1; $message = "Hello {$x['username']}, You requested to resend your account password a while ago. Account Username: {$x['username']} Account Password: {$x['password']} We hope you can have a good time earning your money again, Thanks, {$config['site_name']}"; mail($x["email"],"Password Retrieval - ".$config["site_name"],$message,"From: mail@".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); print "<b>Password Sent!</b><br /> We have dispatched your password to your email address.<br /> You can only make another account retrieval again in 15 minutes.<br />"; } } ?> <div style="padding-left:25px;"> <form action="recover.php" method="post" name="resend"> <table> <tr><td class="midtext">Your Email:</td><td><input type="text" name="email" size="25" class="form" autocomplete="off" value="<?=$_POST['email']?>"></td></tr> <tr><td class="midtext" valign="top">Security Code:</td><td class="midtext"><img src="image.php" onclick="this.src='image.php?newtime=' + (new Date()).getTime();"><br /><span style="font-size:10px;">(Click to reload)</span><br /><input type="text" name="code" size="17" maxlength="" autocomplete="off" class="form"></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" value="Login" name="loginsubmit" class="inputbox"></td></tr> </table> </form> </div> <? include "footer.php"; ?> |
Ulikar Profil * |
#2 · Zasláno: 10. 9. 2011, 19:39:38
Kde jsi ten kód vzal?
A co máš v těch souborech confing.php, data.php a funciones.php? |
kuba95 Profil |
#3 · Zasláno: 10. 9. 2011, 19:45:06
config.php: <?php $dhost = "localhost"; //usually localhost, or ip $dusername = "*****"; // database user $dpassword = "*****"; // database pass $ddatabase = "*****"; // database name $script_path = "http://*****"; // your script have isntalled, do not include "/" slash at the end ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // // // Connect to MySQL server // // Do not change anything bellow // // // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// //Connect to MySQL server/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// $con = mysql_connect($dhost, $dusername, $dpassword) or die("Cannot Connect"); //// mysql_select_db($ddatabase, $con); //// //// if($_COOKIE["usNick"] and $_COOKIE["usPass"]) //// { //// $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE username='{$_COOKIE['usNick']}' AND password='{$_COOKIE['usPass']}'") or die(mysql_error()); //// if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) //// { //// $_COOKIE['usNick'] = false; //// $_COOKIE['usPass'] = false; //// } else { //// $loggedin = 1; //// $r = mysql_fetch_array($q); //// } //// } //// ?> data.php: <?php session_start(); include "config.php"; global $loggedin; if($_GET['r']) { $_SESSION['r'] = $_GET['r']; } $user = $_COOKIE['ucNick']; $sitenamez1 = "SELECT price FROM tb_config WHERE item='Site_Name' and howmany='1'"; $alertpayz1 = "SELECT price FROM tb_config WHERE item='Admin_Alertpay_' and howmany='1'"; $forumz1 = "SELECT price FROM tb_config WHERE item='Forum_URL' and howmany='1'"; $titlez1 = "SELECT price FROM tb_config WHERE item='Site_Title' and howmany='1'"; $payouts1 = "SELECT price FROM tb_config WHERE item='Amount_Payouts' and howmany='1'"; $sitenamez2 = mysql_query($sitenamez1); $alertpayz2 = mysql_query($alertpayz1); $forumz2 = mysql_query($forumz1); $titlez2 = mysql_query($titlez1); $payoutz2 = mysql_query($payoutz1); $sitenamez3 = mysql_fetch_array($sitenamez2); $alertpayz3 = mysql_fetch_array($alertpayz2); $forumz3 = mysql_fetch_array($forumz2); $titlez3 = mysql_fetch_array($titlez2); $payoutz3 = mysql_query($payoutz2); $config['site_name'] = $sitenamez3["price"]; $config['title'] = $titlez3["price"]; $config["forum"] = $forumz3["price"]; $config["Alertpay"] = $alertpayz3["price"]; $config["payout"] = $payoutz3["price"]; $config['site_path'] = "$script_path"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // funcion para sanitizar variables function securedata($mensaje) { $mensaje = htmlentities(stripslashes(trim($mensaje))); $mensaje = str_replace("'"," ",$mensaje); $mensaje = str_replace(";"," ",$mensaje); $mensaje = str_replace("$"," ",$mensaje); return $mensaje; } // ip real function getRealIPe() { if( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] != '' ) { $client_ip = ( !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ( ( !empty($_ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) ? $_ENV['REMOTE_ADDR'] : "unknown" ); $entries = split('[, ]', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); reset($entries); while (list(, $entry) = each($entries)) { $entry = trim($entry); if ( preg_match("/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/", $entry, $ip_list) ) { // $private_ip = array( '/^0\./', '/^127\.0\.0\.1/', '/^192\.168\..*/', '/^172\.((1[6-9])|(2[0-9])|(3[0-1]))\..*/', '/^10\..*/'); $found_ip = preg_replace($private_ip, $client_ip, $ip_list[1]); if ($client_ip != $found_ip) { $client_ip = $found_ip; break; } } } } else { $client_ip = ( !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ( ( !empty($_ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) ? $_ENV['REMOTE_ADDR'] : "unknown" ); } return $client_ip; } ?> funciones.php: <?php |
Davex Profil |
#4 · Zasláno: 11. 9. 2011, 18:34:13
„script mi z nějakého důvodu email nepošle...“ Zobrazí se zpráva, že by e-mail odeslán? Neskončí ve spamu? Hlavička by měla končit odřádkováním: mail($x["email"], "Password Retrieval - " . $config["site_name"], $message, "From: mail@" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . PHP_EOL); |
kuba95 Profil |
#5 · Zasláno: 11. 9. 2011, 22:13:10
„Zobrazí se zpráva, že by e-mail odeslán? Neskončí ve spamu?“ jo, zpráva o odeslání se v pořádku zobrazí a ve spamu to také není „Hlavička by měla končit odřádkováním:“ upravil jsem to podle toho jak píšeš, ale pořád nic... |
CZechBoY Profil |
#6 · Zasláno: 12. 9. 2011, 08:07:19
zkoušel si to odeslat na jiný email?
kuba95 Profil |
#7 · Zasláno: 12. 9. 2011, 16:25:15
díky všem, už mi to funguje... asi to bylo tím doplněním od Davex. Díky
Časová prodleva: 13 let