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Dobry den. Pomocou tutorialu, som si spravil/prisposobil jeden taky velmi jednoduchy MVC php framework. Ide o to, ci by ste ho len tak zrychla skontrolovali, povedali co tam je zle, co spravit inak. Ide este o jednu vec, na niektorych serveroch mi skoro vobec nechce ist, pise to rozne chyby pri require resp., u jedneho serveru mi ked zadam normalnu adresu webu napr. tak mi to vypise Prístup bol odmietnutý (Chyba 403), ale uz ked zadam tak uz to ide a normalne nacita dany controller. Inde mi to zas hadze takuto chybu: Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'base.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') /index.php on line 44... Ale na localhoste mi to bezi bezproblemovo. Neviete mi poradit? Tu su kody:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /mvc/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

 <IfModule !mod_rewrite.c>
    ErrorDocument 404 /index.php


 //Define our site URL
define("BASE_PATH", "");

 //Define our basepath
$path = "/mvc";

 //Take the initial PATH.
$url = str_replace($path,"",$url);

 //creates an array from the rest of the URL
$array_tmp_uri = preg_split('[\\/]', $url, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

 //Here, we will define what is what in the URL
$array_uri['controller']     = $array_tmp_uri[0]; //trieda
$array_uri['method']    = $array_tmp_uri[1]; //funkcia
$array_uri['var']        = $array_tmp_uri[2]; //var

 if(!isset($array_uri['controller'])) $array_uri['controller']="index";

 //Load our base API

 //loads our controller
$application = new Application($array_uri);



<?php if (!defined('BASE_PATH')) exit('Not allowed.');

 class Application
    private $uri;
    private $model;

     function __construct($uri)
        $this->uri = $uri;

   function loadLibrary($library){
     $lib = "application/libraries/".$library.".php";
     if(!file_exists($lib)) die("Zadana knihovna neexistuje");
     $libini = new $library();
     return $libini;
     function loadController($class)
     $file = "application/controller/".$this->uri['controller'].".php";

         if(!file_exists($file)) die("Zadana stranka neexistuje");


         $controller = new $class();

         if(method_exists($controller, $this->uri['method']))
        } else {

     function loadView($view,$vars="")
        if(is_array($vars) && count($vars) > 0)
            extract($vars, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "wddx");

     function loadModel($model)
        $this->$model = new $model;


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