Autor Zpráva
Spravil som stránku na ktorej je viacero panelov 2x4 Zobrazuje mi ich však takto
Vôbec neviem čo stým. Malo by to byť zrejme definované v styles.css. Bol by som veľmi vďačný keby mi stým niekto pomohol. Ako to definovať v styles alebo neviem.

Ukážka kódu tej stránky:


require_once "maincore.php";
require_once THEMES."templates/header.php";

echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='' cellpadding=''>\n
<tr valign='top'>\n<td width='50%'>\n";

echo "<div class='side-label'><strong>".$locale['global_021']."</strong></div>\n";
$result = dbquery("
    SELECT tt.forum_id, tt.thread_id, tt.thread_subject, tt.thread_lastpost FROM ".DB_THREADS." tt
    INNER JOIN ".DB_FORUMS." tf ON tt.forum_id=tf.forum_id
    WHERE ".groupaccess('tf.forum_access')." AND tt.thread_hidden='0'
    ORDER BY thread_lastpost DESC LIMIT 5
if (dbrows($result)) {
    while($data = dbarray($result)) {
        $itemsubject = trimlink($data['thread_subject'], 23);
        echo THEME_BULLET." <a href='".FORUM."viewthread.php?thread_id=".$data['thread_id']."' title='".$data['thread_subject']."' class='side'>$itemsubject</a><br />\n";
} else {
    echo "<div style='text-align:center'>".$locale['global_023']."</div>\n";
echo "<div class='side-label'><strong>".$locale['global_022']."</strong></div>\n";

$timeframe = ($settings['popular_threads_timeframe'] != 0 ? "thread_lastpost >= ".(time()-$settings['popular_threads_timeframe']) : "");
list($min_posts) = dbarraynum(dbquery("SELECT thread_postcount FROM ".DB_THREADS.($timeframe ? " WHERE ".$timeframe : "")." ORDER BY thread_postcount DESC LIMIT 4,1"));
$timeframe = ($timeframe ? " AND tt.".$timeframe : "");

$result = dbquery("
    SELECT tf.forum_id, tt.thread_id, tt.thread_subject, tt.thread_postcount
    FROM ".DB_FORUMS." tf
    INNER JOIN ".DB_THREADS." tt USING(forum_id)
    WHERE ".groupaccess('tf.forum_access')." AND tt.thread_postcount >= '".$min_posts."'".$timeframe." AND tt.thread_hidden='0'
    ORDER BY thread_postcount DESC, thread_lastpost DESC LIMIT 5
if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
    echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n";
    while($data = dbarray($result)) {
        $itemsubject = trimlink($data['thread_subject'], 20);
        echo "<tr>\n<td class='side-small'>".THEME_BULLET." <a href='".FORUM."viewthread.php?thread_id=".$data['thread_id']."' title='".$data['thread_subject']."' class='side'>$itemsubject</a></td>\n";
        echo "<td align='right' class='side-small'>[".($data['thread_postcount'] - 1)."]</td>\n</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
} else {
    echo "<div style='text-align:center'>".$locale['global_023']."</div>\n";


echo "</td>\n<td width='50%'>\n";


Vaše odpověď

Mohlo by se hodit

Prosím používejte diakritiku a interpunkci.

Ochrana proti spamu. Napište prosím číslo dvě-sta čtyřicet-sedm: