Autor | Zpráva | ||
MartinXYZ Profil * |
#1 · Zasláno: 17. 1. 2016, 23:10:21
moc prosím o pomoc, co mám na tomto skriptu špatně. Skript slouží k sestavení "stromu" souborů a složek. Bohužel mi to ale vyhazuje tyto chyby: Notice: Undefined variable: php_file_tree on line 56 return $php_file_tree; Notice: Undefined variable: php_file_tree on line 7 $code .= php_file_tree_dir($directory, $return_link, $extensions); Prosím, pomůže mi někdo odhalit chybu v daných řádcích? MOC děkuju, M. <?php function php_file_tree($directory, $return_link, $extensions = array()) { // Generates a valid XHTML list of all directories, sub-directories, and files in $directory // Remove trailing slash if( substr($directory, -1) == "/" ) $directory = substr($directory, 0, strlen($directory) - 1); $code .= php_file_tree_dir($directory, $return_link, $extensions); return $code; } function php_file_tree_dir($directory, $return_link, $extensions = array(), $first_call = true) { // Recursive function called by php_file_tree() to list directories/files // Get and sort directories/files if( function_exists("scandir") ) $file = scandir($directory); else $file = php4_scandir($directory); natcasesort($file); // Make directories first $files = $dirs = array(); foreach($file as $this_file) { if( is_dir("$directory/$this_file" ) ) $dirs[] = $this_file; else $files[] = $this_file; } $file = array_merge($dirs, $files); // Filter unwanted extensions if( !empty($extensions) ) { foreach( array_keys($file) as $key ) { if( !is_dir("$directory/$file[$key]") ) { $ext = substr($file[$key], strrpos($file[$key], ".") + 1); if( !in_array($ext, $extensions) ) unset($file[$key]); } } } if( count($file) > 2 ) { // Use 2 instead of 0 to account for . and .. "directories" $php_file_tree = "<ul"; if( $first_call ) { $php_file_tree .= " class=\"file-tree\""; $first_call = false; } $php_file_tree .= ">"; foreach( $file as $this_file ) { if( $this_file != "." && $this_file != ".." ) { if( is_dir("$directory/$this_file") ) { // Directory $php_file_tree .= "<li class=\"ft-directory\"><a href=\"#\">" . htmlspecialchars($this_file) . "</a>"; $php_file_tree .= php_file_tree_dir("$directory/$this_file", $return_link ,$extensions, false); $php_file_tree .= "</li>"; } else { // File // Get extension (prepend 'ext-' to prevent invalid classes from extensions that begin with numbers) $ext = "ext-" . substr($this_file, strrpos($this_file, ".") + 1); $link = str_replace("[link]", "$directory/" . urlencode($this_file), $return_link); $php_file_tree .= "<li class=\"ft-file " . strtolower($ext) . "\"><a href=\"$link\" target=\"_blank\">" . htmlspecialchars($this_file) . "</a></li>"; } } } $php_file_tree .= "</ul>"; } return $php_file_tree; } // For PHP4 compatibility function php4_scandir($dir) { $dh = opendir($dir); while( false !== ($filename = readdir($dh)) ) { $files[] = $filename; } sort($files); return($files); } ?> |
Taps Profil |
#2 · Zasláno: 18. 1. 2016, 07:37:13
zkus <?php function php_file_tree($directory, $return_link, $extensions = array()) { // Generates a valid XHTML list of all directories, sub-directories, and files in $directory // Remove trailing slash $code = ''; if( substr($directory, -1) == "/" ) $directory = substr($directory, 0, strlen($directory) - 1); if(isset($code)){ $code .= php_file_tree_dir($directory, $return_link, $extensions); } return $code; } function php_file_tree_dir($directory, $return_link, $extensions = array(), $first_call = true) { // Recursive function called by php_file_tree() to list directories/files // Get and sort directories/files if( function_exists("scandir") ) $file = scandir($directory); else $file = php4_scandir($directory); natcasesort($file); // Make directories first $files = $dirs = array(); foreach($file as $this_file) { if( is_dir("$directory/$this_file" ) ) $dirs[] = $this_file; else $files[] = $this_file; } $file = array_merge($dirs, $files); // Filter unwanted extensions if( !empty($extensions) ) { foreach( array_keys($file) as $key ) { if( !is_dir("$directory/$file[$key]") ) { $ext = substr($file[$key], strrpos($file[$key], ".") + 1); if( !in_array($ext, $extensions) ) unset($file[$key]); } } } if( count($file) > 2 ) { // Use 2 instead of 0 to account for . and .. "directories" $php_file_tree = "<ul"; if( $first_call ) { $php_file_tree .= " class=\"file-tree\""; $first_call = false; } $php_file_tree .= ">"; foreach( $file as $this_file ) { if( $this_file != "." && $this_file != ".." ) { if( is_dir("$directory/$this_file") ) { // Directory $php_file_tree .= "<li class=\"ft-directory\"><a href=\"#\">" . htmlspecialchars($this_file) . "</a>"; $php_file_tree .= php_file_tree_dir("$directory/$this_file", $return_link ,$extensions, false); $php_file_tree .= "</li>"; } else { // File // Get extension (prepend 'ext-' to prevent invalid classes from extensions that begin with numbers) $ext = "ext-" . substr($this_file, strrpos($this_file, ".") + 1); $link = str_replace("[link]", "$directory/" . urlencode($this_file), $return_link); $php_file_tree .= "<li class=\"ft-file " . strtolower($ext) . "\"><a href=\"$link\" target=\"_blank\">" . htmlspecialchars($this_file) . "</a></li>"; } } } $php_file_tree .= "</ul>"; } if(isset($php_file_tree)){ return $php_file_tree; } } // For PHP4 compatibility function php4_scandir($dir) { $dh = opendir($dir); while( false !== ($filename = readdir($dh)) ) { $files[] = $filename; } sort($files); return($files); } ?> |
Lonanek Profil |
Dle mého názoru stačí pouze přidat ř.6 z kódu Taps.
Ostatní ponechte jak máte. Tedy: <?php function php_file_tree($directory, $return_link, $extensions = array()) { // Generates a valid XHTML list of all directories, sub-directories, and files in $directory // Remove trailing slash $code = ''; if( substr($directory, -1) == "/" ) $directory = substr($directory, 0, strlen($directory) - 1); $code = php_file_tree_dir($directory, $return_link, $extensions); return $code; } Důvod chyby: pokud podmínka není splněna, neexistuje proměnná $code a return nemá co vrátit (err ř. 11), protože je funkce volána z ř. 56, tak tam nastane chyba protože se nic nevrátí.. Navíc přičítat řetězec k něčemu co neexistuje vrací také chybu $code .=
Alphard Profil |
#4 · Zasláno: 18. 1. 2016, 11:22:59
Ta lokální proměnná nebude existovat nikdy, proč tam nedáte normální přiřazení? Resp. hned return? $code tam vůbec není potřeba.
A ta podmínka by šla nahradit pomocí rtrim, celou funkci bych zkrátil na jeden řádek. |
MartinXYZ Profil * |
#5 · Zasláno: 18. 1. 2016, 17:29:09
Ahoj, děkuju za reakce.
Bohužel řešení od Tapse a Lonanka nefunguje :-(. Zkusil jsem tedy řešení dle Alpharda (snad jsem to dobře pochopil? doufám...) - dal jsem ze 7. řádku pryč $code a místo něj tam dal rovnou return. Chyba ze 7. řádku zmizela, ale na 56. se pořád ukazuje. A to už fakt nevím, jak opravit :-(. Takto jsem opravil 7. řádek <?php function php_file_tree($directory, $return_link, $extensions = array()) { // Generates a valid XHTML list of all directories, sub-directories, and files in $directory // Remove trailing slash if( substr($directory, -1) == "/" ) $directory = substr($directory, 0, strlen($directory) - 1); return php_file_tree_dir($directory, $return_link, $extensions); } function php_file_tree_dir($directory, $return_link, $extensions = array(), $first_call = true) { // Recursive function called by php_file_tree() to list directories/files // Get and sort directories/files if( function_exists("scandir") ) $file = scandir($directory); else $file = php4_scandir($directory); natcasesort($file); // Make directories first $files = $dirs = array(); foreach($file as $this_file) { if( is_dir("$directory/$this_file" ) ) $dirs[] = $this_file; else $files[] = $this_file; } $file = array_merge($dirs, $files); // Filter unwanted extensions if( !empty($extensions) ) { foreach( array_keys($file) as $key ) { if( !is_dir("$directory/$file[$key]") ) { $ext = substr($file[$key], strrpos($file[$key], ".") + 1); if( !in_array($ext, $extensions) ) unset($file[$key]); } } } if( count($file) > 2 ) { // Use 2 instead of 0 to account for . and .. "directories" $php_file_tree = "<ul"; if( $first_call ) { $php_file_tree .= " class=\"file-tree\""; $first_call = false; } $php_file_tree .= ">"; foreach( $file as $this_file ) { if( $this_file != "." && $this_file != ".." ) { if( is_dir("$directory/$this_file") ) { // Directory $php_file_tree .= "<li class=\"ft-directory\"><a href=\"#\">" . htmlspecialchars($this_file) . "</a>"; $php_file_tree .= php_file_tree_dir("$directory/$this_file", $return_link ,$extensions, false); $php_file_tree .= "</li>"; } else { // File // Get extension (prepend 'ext-' to prevent invalid classes from extensions that begin with numbers) $ext = "ext-" . substr($this_file, strrpos($this_file, ".") + 1); $link = str_replace("[link]", "$directory/" . urlencode($this_file), $return_link); $php_file_tree .= "<li class=\"ft-file " . strtolower($ext) . "\"><a href=\"$link\" target=\"_blank\">" . htmlspecialchars($this_file) . "</a></li>"; } } } $php_file_tree .= "</ul>"; } return $php_file_tree; } // For PHP4 compatibility function php4_scandir($dir) { $dh = opendir($dir); while( false !== ($filename = readdir($dh)) ) { $files[] = $filename; } sort($files); return($files); } ?> |
Lonanek Profil |
Zkuste na ř. 12 vložit:
$php_file_tree = ""; |
MartinXYZ Profil * |
#7 · Zasláno: 18. 1. 2016, 21:33:20
Ooooo, děkuju moc! :-)
Chyba na 56. řádku je nyní pryč, paráda :-). |
Časová prodleva: 9 let