Autor Zpráva
pro jednu aplikaci pisu takoveho jednodusiho mailoveho klienta, posilani mailu mam vyreseno, prijmani ze serveru take, pres nejakou imap tridu (pripojeni klasicky pres fsockopen). Problem je v tom, ze pri stazeni mailu musim veskery data dostavat z hlavicky a tela pres regularni vyrazy (datum poslani, odesilatel, predmet atd.) a je v tom bordel, pac staci jiny kodovani, poslana priloha v tele zpravy atd. A tak sem se chtel zeptat neexistuje jiz neco hotoveho na parsovani tehle dat? Moc clanku na netu sem na tohle tema nenasel tak nevim, diky za kazdou radu
phpTicket, ale cely program jsem prepisovat, protoze neuvazoval ruzna kodovani a i tak to dela chybne asi. Zkusim ti najit fragmenty kodu, ale nevim, jak moc je to spolehlive...

function text_convert ($text, $charset)
global $CFG;
if ($charset)
$text = iconv($charset, $CFG['charset'], $text);
if ($text) return ($text);
return ($text);
function pp_decode($str)
global $CFG;
$elements = imap_mime_header_decode($str);
$charset = $elements[0]->charset;
$text = $elements[0]->text;
//text to utf-8
$text2 = "";
$charset = strtolower($charset);
if ($CFG['charset']=='utf-8' && ($charset=="utf-8" || $charset=="utf-7"))
{$charset = false;}
$text = text_convert($text,$charset);
return $text;
$mbox = imap_open("{".$cat_row["pop_host"]."/pop3:110/notls}INBOX",$cat_row["pop_user"],$cat_row["pop_psw"])
or print ("Error retrieving new mail from ".$cat_row["pop_host"]."<br>\n");
if (imap_num_msg($mbox)>0)
print "Retrieving new messages.<br>";
while ($curmsg <= imap_num_msg($mbox)) {

$body1 = get_part($mbox, $curmsg, "TEXT/PLAIN");

if ($body1 == "")
{$body1 = get_part($mbox, $curmsg, "TEXT/HTML");}
$body = text_convert($body1[0],$body1[1]);
$body = eregi_replace("-----Original.*","",$body); // filters out outlook's quotes from replies
if ($body == "") { /* We can't do anything with this email, leave it there */
print "Error: Message could not be parsed. I left it in the mailbox.<br>";
$head = imap_headerinfo($mbox, $curmsg, 800, 800);
// TODO: Name and Email address should be properly parsed here.


$email = $head->reply_toaddress;
$email = ereg_replace(".*<","",$email); // pl - quick hack to parse name, email
$email = ereg_replace(">.*","",$email); // pl - quick hack contd.
$name = pp_decode($head->fromaddress);
$name = ereg_replace(" <.*","",$name); // pl - quick hack contd.
$name = trim($name);//pp
$name = ($name!="" || $name!=" ") ? $name : $email; //pp

$subject0= pp_decode($head->fetchsubject);
$subject = trim($subject0);//pp
$subject = ($subject!="" || $subject!=" ") ? $subject : $email; //pp
print "Subject: $subject<br>";

/* Check the subject for ticket number */
if (!ereg ("[[][#][0-9]{6}[]]", $subject0)) {
/* Seems like a new ticket, create it first */
print "Creating a new ticket.<br>";
$ticket_id = CreateTicket($subject, $name, $email, $cat_row["id"], "", "2", $body);
if ($ticket_id == false) {
/* We had troubles creating the ticket. Forward the problematic email to a real human */
print "Warning: CreateTicket failed! Message forwarded to $trouble_email <br>";
Send_Email ($trouble_email, "{TROUBLE} $subject", "[ERROR: CreateTicket failed]\n".$body, "From: $name\nReply-To: $email");
imap_delete($mbox, $curmsg);
} else {
/* Seems like a followup of an existing ticket, extract ticket_id from subject */
$ticket_id = substr(strstr($subject0, "[#"), 2, 6);
print "Follow up to ticket #$ticket_id<br>";

if (!PostMessage($ticket_id, $body)) {
/* Could not post the ticket, forward the problematic email to a real human */
print "Warning: PostMessage failed! Message forwarded to $trouble_email <bR>";
Send_Email ($trouble_email, "{TROUBLE} $subject", "[ERROR: PostMessage failed]\n".$body, "From: $name\nReply-To: $email");

imap_delete($mbox, $curmsg);


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Mohlo by se hodit

Prosím používejte diakritiku a interpunkci.

Ochrana proti spamu. Napište prosím číslo dvě-sta čtyřicet-sedm: