Autor Zpráva
Profil *
Ahoj na hostingu IC mi tato fce hlasi permision denied, zkousel jsem slozce dat i 777. Tuto fci spousti virtuemart mod pro joomlu. Slysel jsem ze je to kvuli verzi php, nevite nekdo co s tim ?
Onen script:
if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );
* ECB Currency Converter Module
* @version $Id: convertECB.php 1095 2007-12-19 20:19:16Z soeren_nb $
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage classes
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2007 soeren - All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

 * This class uses the currency rates provided by an XML file from the European Central Bank
 * Requires cURL or allow_url_fopen
class convertECB {
	var $archive = true;
	var $last_updated = '';
	var $document_address = '';
	var $info_address = '';
	var $supplier = 'European Central Bank';
	 * Converts an amount from one currency into another using
	 * the rate conversion table from the European Central Bank
	 * @param float $amountA
	 * @param string $currA defaults to $vendor_currency
	 * @param string $currB defaults to $GLOBALS['product_currency'] (and that defaults to $vendor_currency)
	 * @return mixed The converted amount when successful, false on failure
	function convert( $amountA, $currA='', $currB='' ) {
		global $mosConfig_cachepath, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_absolute_path,
				$mosConfig_offset, $vendor_currency, $vmLogger;
		// global $vendor_currency is DEFAULT!
		if( !$currA ) {
			$currA = $vendor_currency;
		if( !$currB ) {
			$currB = $GLOBALS['product_currency'];
		// If both currency codes match, do nothing
		if( $currA == $currB ) {		
			return $amountA;
		if( $GLOBALS['converter_array'] == '') {
			setlocale(LC_TIME, "en-GB");
			$now = time() + 3600; // Time in ECB (Germany) is GMT + 1 hour (3600 seconds)
			if (date("I")) {
				$now += 3600; // Adjust for daylight saving time
			$weekday_now_local = gmdate('w', $now); // week day, important: week starts with sunday (= 0) !!
			$date_now_local = gmdate('Ymd', $now);
			$time_now_local = gmdate('Hi', $now);
			$time_ecb_update = '1415';
			if( is_writable($mosConfig_cachepath) ) {
				$store_path = $mosConfig_cachepath;
			else {
				$store_path = $mosConfig_absolute_path."/media";
			$archivefile_name = $store_path.'/daily.xml';
			$ecb_filename = $this->document_address;
			$val = '';

			if(file_exists($archivefile_name) && filesize( $archivefile_name ) > 0 ) {
			  	// timestamp for the Filename
			  	$file_datestamp = date('Ymd', filemtime($archivefile_name)); 
		    	// check if today is a weekday - no updates on weekends
		    	if( date( 'w' ) > 0 && date( 'w' ) < 6 
		    		// compare filedate and actual date
		    		&& $file_datestamp != $date_now_local
		    		// if localtime is greater then ecb-update-time go on to update and write files
		    		&& $time_now_local > $time_ecb_update) {
		    		$curr_filename = $ecb_filename;	
		    	else {
				  	$curr_filename = $archivefile_name;
		    		$this->last_updated = $file_datestamp;
				  	$this->archive = false;	
			else {
				$curr_filename = $ecb_filename;
			if( !is_writable( $store_path )) {
			  $this->archive = false;
			  $vmLogger->debug( "The file $archivefile_name can't be created. The directory $store_path is not writable" );
			if( $curr_filename == $ecb_filename ) {
				// Fetch the file from the internet
				require_once( CLASSPATH.'connectionTools.class.php');
				$contents = vmConnector::handleCommunication( $curr_filename );
				$this->last_updated = date('Ymd');
			else {
				$contents = @file_get_contents( $curr_filename );
			if( $contents ) {
				// if archivefile does not exist
				if( $this->archive ) {
					// now write new file
					file_put_contents( $archivefile_name, $contents );
				$contents = str_replace ("<Cube currency='USD'", " <Cube currency='EUR' rate='1'/> <Cube currency='USD'", $contents);
				/* XML Parsing */
				require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path. '/includes/domit/xml_domit_lite_include.php' );
				$xmlDoc =& new DOMIT_Lite_Document();
				if( !$xmlDoc->parseXML( $contents, false, true ) ) {
					$vmLogger->err( 'Failed to parse the Currency Converter XML document.');
					$GLOBALS['product_currency'] = $vendor_currency;
					return $amountA;
				$currency_list = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName( "Cube" );
				// Loop through the Currency List
				for ($i = 0; $i < $currency_list->getLength(); $i++) {
					$currNode =& $currency_list->item($i);
					$currency[$currNode->getAttribute("currency")] = $currNode->getAttribute("rate");
					unset( $currNode );
				$GLOBALS['converter_array'] = $currency;
			else {
				$GLOBALS['converter_array'] = -1;
				$vmLogger->err( 'Failed to retrieve the Currency Converter XML document.');
				$GLOBALS['product_currency'] = $vendor_currency;
				return $amountA;
		$valA = isset( $GLOBALS['converter_array'][$currA] ) ? $GLOBALS['converter_array'][$currA] : 1;
		$valB = isset( $GLOBALS['converter_array'][$currB] ) ? $GLOBALS['converter_array'][$currB] : 1;
		$val = $amountA * $valB / $valA;
		//$vmLogger->debug('Converted '.$amountA.' '.$currA.' to '.$val.' '.$currB);
		return $val;
	} // end function convertecb

nastaveni php
Jan Tvrdík
Polši sem celou chybovou hlášku.
Profil *
Warning: file_put_contents(joomla/cache/daily.xml) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in joomla/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/currency/convertECB.php on line 119
Zkontroluj prava zapisu do slozky joomla/cache, pripadne vytvor v te slozce ten soubor (daily.xml) rucne a nastav mu chmod 777.
Profil *
:) sem blb dik lamicz .. daily.xml mel 644 .. tudiz vyreseno

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